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For good density?

How many grafts per cm²?

Normally, we have between 100 and 200 thousand hairs on our head, which covers an area of 600 to 800 cm2.

This means that we have between 80 and 100 grafts per cm2 before losing our hair. To have a correct capillary density effect, you need at least half of this number, so 40 to 50 grafts per cm2.

combien de greffons au cm²

40 grafts per cm²?

For a top result, approximately 70 grafts should be implanted per cm² and the vast majority of these grafts take correctly with a low rejection rate.

The fue sapphire transplant allows to implant approximately 40 to 50 grafts per cm². To increase the number of grafts per cm² it is also possible to use a BHT graft in Turkey which will provide a little more density.

There biofiber hair transplant could allow in the future to obtain 

a capillary density of more than 80 grafts per cm².

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